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RMPA's 2022 Annual Meeting and Education Summit

  • Friday, October 07, 2022
  • 7:45 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Arapahoe Community College, 5900 S. Santa Fe Drive, Littleton, Colorado 80120


  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those who are currently employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities or members of the U.S. Military.

    Includes: event materials, continental breakfast, luncheon, and all promotional materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those who are currently employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities or members of the U.S. Military.

    Includes: event materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those who are currently employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities or members of the U.S. Military.

    Includes: event materials, luncheon, and all promotional materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those who are currently employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities or members of the U.S. Military.

    Includes: event materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This pricing option is only for those who are NOT current RMPA Members and DO NOT WISH TO BECOME A RMPA MEMBER, and are not employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities or members of the U.S. Military.

    Includes: event materials, continental breakfast, luncheon, and all promotional materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This pricing option is only for those who are NOT current RMPA Members and DO NOT WISH TO BECOME A RMPA MEMBER, and are not employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities or members of the U.S. Military.

    Includes: event materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This pricing option is only for those who are NOT current RMPA Members, and not employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities or members of the U.S. Military. By becoming a RMPA member at the time of registration, your annual membership fee is reduced by $15.

    Includes: event materials, luncheon, and all promotional materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This pricing option is only for those who are NOT current RMPA Members, and not employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities or members of the U.S. Military. By becoming a RMPA member at the time of registration, your annual membership fee is reduced by $15.

    Includes: event materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those current RMPA Members, but not members who are employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities or members of the U.S. Military.

    Includes: event materials, continental breakfast, luncheon, and all promotional materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those current RMPA Members, but NOT members who are employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities (including members of the U.S. Military).

    Includes: event materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those current RMPA Members, but not members who are employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities or members of the U.S. Military.

    Includes: event materials, luncheon, and all promotional materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those current RMPA Members, but not members who are employed by State/Federal Governmental Entities (including members of the U.S. Military).

    Includes: event materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those current RMPA Student Members.

    Includes: event materials, continental breakfast, luncheon, and all promotional materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those current RMPA Student Members.

    Includes: event materials
  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those current RMPA Student Members.

    Includes: event materials, luncheon, and all promotional materials.
  • Each attendee must register.

    This special discounted pricing option is only for those current RMPA Student Members.

    Includes: event materials.



2022 Annual Meeting and Education Summit


Please join The Rocky Mountain Paralegal Association for the 2022 Annual Meeting and Education Summit to be held on Friday, October 7, 2022. 

Are you interested in becoming a new Colorado Notary? Or do you need to renew your license? Take advantage of this special opportunity:

8:30 - 10:30 a.m.:  Notary Practicum by Richard Corbetta and Celeste Carpenter, Arapahoe Community College

This in-person only session is a 2-hour course.  Attendees who complete the course will receive a Certificate of Completion. Photo ID is required to attend.  Registrants for this course will not be able to leave the training unless it is during the designated break.  If you plan to attend this section, you must email ACC by Monday, October 3, 2022 so that we can prepare your Certificate in anticipation of completion:  CELESTE.CARPENTER@ARAPAHOE.EDU

Full day, half-day (afternoon only), and hybrid registration are available.

Get to know your fellow paralegals and other legal professionals for a full day or half day of informative sessions. We have great speakers to present one hour programs (CLE credits pending approval) relevant to paralegals at any level of their careers. This event will provide the opportunity for you to visit with our sponsors to “discover” how they can support you.

RMPA encourages you to join us for this exciting event filled with CLEs, networking opportunities, prizes, giveaways, and more!


(Full day in-person registration also includes breakfast; half day session starts with lunch)

Hybrid Attendance Available

  *$70 Non-Members

$30 Students

   $35 Government/Military
only available for  $55 Non-Members
 afternoon session participants $25 Students, Government/Military

*if Non-Members become a member at registration for this event, their annual membership fee will be reduced by $15.00


  • Colby Everett, Esq

  • Laurence I. Gendelman, Esq., Partner, Gendelman Klimas, Ltd.

  • Jay Kotzker, Esq., Partner, Parlatore Law Group

  • Alison Morgan, Director of State Government Relations, The Colorado Bankers Association

  • Amy Mowry, Esq., Mowry Law, LLC

  • Stephen C. Nicholls, Esq.

  • Nathan Schacht, Esq. 


8:30 - 10:30 a.m.:  Notary Practicum by Richard Corbetta and Celeste Carpenter, Arapahoe Community College

This session is a 2-hour course.  Attendees who complete the course will receive a Certificate of Completion. Photo ID is required to attend.  Registrants for this course will not be able to leave the training unless it is during the designated break.  If you plan to attend this section, you must email ACC by Monday, October 3, 2022 so that we can prepare your Certificate in anticipation of completion:  CELESTE.CARPENTER@ARAPAHOE.EDU

8:00 AM


8:20 AM

Check-in & Breakfast

8:20 AM


8:25 AM

President’s Welcome

Stefanie Trujillo

8:30 AM


9:30 AM

Alison Morgan

Financial Literacy

9:45 AM


10:45 AM

Nathan Schacht, Esq. & Colby Everett, Esq.

Employment Law

11:00 AM


12:00 PM

Stephen Nicholls, Esq.

Bankruptcy Rates & the Pandemic

12:15 PM


1:15 PM

Meet Our Vendors, Networking Lunch, and Drawing for Door Prizes

1:30 PM


2:3O PM

Amy Mowry, Esq.

Mineral Rights

2:45 PM


3:45 PM

Jay Kotzker, Esq.

Cannabis Business Laws

4:00 PM


5:00 PM

Laurence Gendelman, Esq.

LBTGQ+ Family Law, Estates, Probate

This Year's Charity

Click here for more information:  Gateway Shelter

Empowering People to Live Violence Free

Gateway Domestic Violence Services provides a highly effective combination of shelter and comprehensive services to adults and children fleeing domestic violence. Gateway is the only 24/7 shelter available in the City of Aurora and Arapahoe County, offering emergency shelter and extended-stay care, together with a crisis line, licensed counseling, and court advocacy.

The Court Advocacy: Victims of domestic violence receive information on options and support from trained advocates throughout court processes. Case management is provided for follow-up services and care.

This isn’t just for women – they also serve dependent children, men, and all LGBTQIA.

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