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Pride Month Lunch-n-Learn - The Legal History of the LGBT Movement

  • Tuesday, June 16, 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom Webinar


Registration is closed

The Rocky Mountain Paralegal Association is proud to announce its Pride Month Program for 2020 as part of its commitment to diversity and inclusion in our profession and in our communities.

Topic: The Legal History of the LGBT Movement
Presenter: Ed C. Schneider, M.A. - President 

Join us for a journey which is nearly a century in the making in America where civil rights for all men and women were not always guaranteed. We will examine the legal history of the movement including discussing laws which criminalized LGBT behaviors; discussing landmark cases which involved discriminatory practices against the LGBT community; and discuss current cases which may affect our communities. The goal of this discussion is to create a neutral and well rounded understanding of the LGBT movement without bias as we celebrate PRIDE in America and the 51st Anniversary of the event which started it all, or was it? 

About the Presenter: Ed Schneider is the current President of the Rocky Mountain Paralegal Association and previously served between 2017 and 2019. He currently works in HR managing non-attorney legal staff at AMLAW-50 Firm, Faegre Drinker. He possesses his Master of Arts in Legal Studies from American Military University, where he wrote his thesis on Arguments on Retroactive, Common Law Same-Sex Marriage in post-Obergefell America. He has nearly a decade of experience as a family law, probate, and appellate paralegal and has been passionately involved in LGBT Law. 

CLE Pending Approval

This will be a web-based presentation. Registration is required as materials will be transmitted prior to the presentation. 

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