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RMPA/NFPA Judicial Reception

  • Friday, April 26, 2019
  • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (MDT)
  • Hampton Inn/Homewood Suites Denver Downtown
  • 89


  • This is our top sponsorship for the event which includes four tickets to the event, special recognition at the event, rights to share your collateral marketing material, and one year of sponsorship recognition on RMPA's website! Also, enjoy a one year membership as a sustaining business member as part of this package.
  • This is our second tier classic sponsorship which grants you one ticket to the event and special recognition at the event as well as rights to share collateral marketing materials at the event.
  • This registration type is only for Judges or Justices of the state or federal judiciary in Colorado
  • This Registration is only for Judicial Assistants or Law Clerks for Judges
  • This is the perfect sponsorship if you do not intend on attending the event. It permits you to share collateral marketing materials at the event and special recognition in event materials.
  • This event registration is only for NFPA Board Members and Coordinators. A registration code is required.
  • This registration requires the registration code provided in your registration form.
  • This is for all RMPA Non-Members who are attending as guests at the event.
  • If you are a member of the Rocky Mountain Paralegal Association, you must select this registration type
  • This is our traditional event sponsorship level which grants you two tickets to the event, special recognition at the event, and six months of marketing on our website. Also, you are permitted to share collateral marketing materials at the event.

Registration is closed


Join us for the Second Annual Rocky Mountain Paralegal Association Judicial Reception, hosted as part of the NFPA Joint Conferences at the Hampton Inn/Homewood Suites at the corner of 15th and Welton in Downtown Denver.

DRESS CODE:  Wear something blue! Remember you will be enjoying an evening with our distinguished guests of the Colorado Judiciary, including Justice Richard Gabriel of the Colorado Supreme Court and Chief Judge Steve Bernard of the Colorado Court of Appeals. Please dress as if you were heading to a cocktail hour after court! 

Please note, only vendors or sponsors may be present and market their product at the event. Any individual or individuals found to be marketing their product or service without an approved sponsor or vendor nametag will be asked to leave with no right to refund.


10th Circuit Court of Appeals Sponsors

Supreme Court Sponsors




Ed C. Schneider, President - RMPA

   Court of Appeals Sponsors


Janice Lancaster, Treasurer - RMPA

Meeting Space Sponsor for Joint Conference Planning/Region II Meeting

Event Charity 

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