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RMPA Board of Directors Meeting re: NFPA Annual Policy Convention

  • Tuesday, October 23, 2018
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Faegre Baker Daniels


  • Only Board Members may register at this level
  • These are for the general members of the association.

Registration is closed

The Board of Directors of the Rocky Mountain Paralegal Association will be meeting for their annual voting on the Agenda Topics to be presented to the delegation of the National Federation of Paralegal Associations. 

Board members are required to attend in person, however, the general membership may attend by telephone. Those members who wish to listen in may register and they will receive dial in instructions. 

Note that telephonic participants will be muted during the meeting, but there will be an opportunity for the members to speak. There are 14 Agenda Topics and Officer Appointments that need to be dealt with, so time is limited. 

Further, if an executive session is invoked at the end, access to the meeting will be terminated. 

We hope you can join us! 

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